Sunday, November 14, 2010

my goal?...


i always ask myself whether what am i going to be in the future..a 'cikgu'?..lecturer?..or a full-time housewife? ;) hehe

erm, ape ye? my mom also asked me the same question and we always discuss it from time to time. now, i just wanna cont my study in upsi until i get the ijazah and inshaAllah i will pursue my study again maybe in upsi in maybe in somewhere else..this time to get a 'master' .. then, stdy again maybe abroad la kot in order to get the title of Doktor falsafah :) and at that time everytime should call me Dr. Dalilah even i could not cure the patients .. hehe
just the cure to my family (hopefully)...

em, bab yg plg best skg nih..kawen? bila ye? it doesnt matter for me when because i hope that there's someone who always stand behind me and support me when I really need it.

really hope that i can be 'insan cemerlang' as well as ' hamba cemerlang' :)

ni dah nak exam ni. i should be prepared. k, good luck to all!


shafiq ahmad said...

"someone who always stand behind"

may i???

Dalilah Ali said...

everybody can and i'll be so glad to have friend like you! :)